Soccer predictions Milan has 2 candidate for the post of sports director - Tara and Paratychi, suspended for fraud in Juven. Will choose Ibragimovich and cardinal

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Milan chooses a new sports director of the club of two candidates. According to journalist Peppe Dee Stefano, by March 5 the club from soccerwinpredictions must decide on the candidate of a new sports director. Apparently, the main candidates were Fabio Paratichi and Igli Tara. Andrea Bert was also considered, but he is more inclined to the transition to the Premier League.
The decision will be made by the owner of Milan Jerry Cardinal and his adviser Zlatan Ibragimovich.
Illy Tara from 2009 to 2023 held the position of sports director Lazio.
Fabio Paratychi from 2021 to 2023 worked in a similar position in Tottenham. In 2023, he received 2, 5 years of disqualification in the case of financial fraud while working in Juventus. The removal applies directly to work in Italian football.
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